In the last week of Term 3, the Year 10 students chose a famous painting and created a COVID inspired meme for it. The students were offered a prize and even though all of them were very good the following places were chosen by Art Teacher Nicola Hartley: 1st place to Ida Rosenthal, 2nd to Nina Bethke, 3rd to Max Iblher and runner up Christian Lavett.

by Christian Lavett - runner up

COvid-Inspired memes by year 10

by Max Iblher 3rd place

by Nina Bethke 3rd place

by Ida Rosenthal - 1st place

by Jonas Speyer

by Mia Waddell

by Emma Nitzsche

by Lanea Rueter

by Kirsty Rey

by Lily Rehde

by Florian Gabriel

by Sienna Mann

by Luka van den Tweel