Notice Board



Did you know suicide is the leading cause of death for young people in Australia?

That means that each year more young people die by suicide than in car accidents or from cancer.

This March, I'm swimming to make sure young people in Australia have the mental health support they urgently need.
By sponsoring my challenge, you’ll be helping to prevent youth suicide.

All funds raised will help young people feel better about today and the future, no matter what challenge they're facing.

I'm swimming to save lives

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Hi, my name is Julius Wielebinski, and I’m happy to offer tutoring for students at GISS. I attended the school from Year 8 to Year 9 and have great memories of my time there.

After returning to Germany, I completed my Abitur in 2024 at Lyonel-Feininger-Gymnasium in Halle (Saale). Since I’m planning to become a secondary school teacher, I’d love to gain more teaching experience by supporting students as a tutor.

I offer tutoring up to Year 10 in German (both in English and German), as well as in Biology, History, Social Studies, Ethics, and Chemistry in German.

If you're interested, feel free to reach out to me at "".

Tutoring Offer – Julius Wielebinski

Erleben Sie die Brillanz von Mozarts Genie wie nie zuvor, wenn sein Leben und seine Kompositionen durch eine fesselnde Mischung aus Live-Performance und AI-gestützter Storytelling zum Leben erweckt werden.

Dies ist kein traditionelles klassisches Konzert – es ist eine immersive Reise durch Zeit, Melodie und das rätselhafte Leben einer musikalischen Legende. Von seinen außergewöhnlichen Anfängen bis zu seinen letzten Meisterwerken – jede gespielte Note und jede erzählte Geschichte entführt Sie mitten in Mozarts Welt.
Hier finden Sie mehr Informationen

Experience the brilliance of Mozart's genius as you've never seen before, where his life and compositions come alive through a captivating blend of live performances and rich audiovisual storytelling.

This is not your traditional classical concert – it's an immersive journey through time, melody, and the enigmatic life of a musical legend. From his prodigious beginnings to his final masterpieces, every note played and every tale told will transport you into the heart of Mozart's world.
Click here for more information and tickets.

If so, please contact our editor Barbara for details.

Are you looking for an au pair, do you have a car to sell, or a service to offer to our community?