GISS Schüler:Innen auf dem
Global Entrepreneurship Congress (GEC) in Melbourne  

GISS Schüler:Innen auf dem
Global Entrepreneurship Congress (GEC) in Melbourne  

Entrepreneurship wird einem nicht unbedingt in die Wiege gelegt, aber es sollte früh geweckt werden, denn die nächste Generation junger Unternehmer:innen kann entscheidende Impulse für die nachhaltige Transformation der deutschen, europäischen wie auch der australischen Wirtschaft geben.

GISS kann sich dabei in Bezug auf Entrepreneurship Erziehung durchaus sehen lassen. Unter der Leitung von Ms Parsons nehmen Schüler:innen jedes Jahr an dem Goetheinstitut Wettbewerb Unternehmen Deutsch teil, und in Sozialkunde sammeln Schüler:innen nicht nur theoretische, sondern auch praktische Erfahrungen in Firmen, was oft wegweisend sein kann in Bezug auf die Fächerwahl im IB oder Studium.

Im September hatte eine Auswahl von Klasse 10 und 11 Schüler:innen nun die einmalige Gelegenheit an einem internationalen Entrepreneurship Kongress, der GEC, teilzunehmen, wo sie nicht nur lebensnah Entrepreneurship Education und Austausch miterleben, sondern auch selbst auf offener Bühne ihren eigenen Unternehmergeist vorstellen konnten.

Durch Vermittlung von Frau Alexandra Koch, einer ehemaligen GISS Schülerin und Tochter eines ehemaligen GISS Direktors, flogen wir nach Melbourne als Teil der deutschen Delegation mit Privilegien wie freier Zutritt zu allen Veranstaltungen, freier Unternehmensgründungsberatung und Austausch mit führenden Universitätsprofessoren, erfolgreichen Unternehmensgründern bis hin zu einem Gespräch und Treffen mit dem deutschen Honorar Konsul von Melbourne, Michael Pearce SC.

Das Programm für die drei Tage war überwältigend und so war auch das Interesse, das die Schüler:innen dem Angebot entgegenbrachten.
Zurück an der Schule, hoffen wir diesen Enthusiasmus weiterleben zu lassen und das Durchdringen von Entrepreneurship nicht nur in unseren Sozialwissenschaften, sondern auch in unseren Naturwissenschaften und Sprachen zu fördern.
Die Vision ist es eine kreative Entrepreneurship Atmosphäre zu schaffen mit AGs, Aktionen wie Unternehmen Deutsch und einer engeren Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Unternehmen und Organisationen.
                   Denise Parsons und Mechthild Broehl-Foster

Entrepreneurship wird einem nicht unbedingt in die Wiege gelegt, aber es sollte früh geweckt werden, denn die nächste Generation junger Unternehmer:innen kann entscheidende Impulse für die nachhaltige Transformation der deutschen, europäischen wie auch der australischen Wirtschaft geben.

GISS kann sich dabei in Bezug auf Entrepreneurship Erziehung durchaus sehen lassen. Unter der Leitung von Ms Parsons nehmen Schüler:innen jedes Jahr an dem Goetheinstitut Wettbewerb Unternehmen Deutsch teil, und in Sozialkunde sammeln Schüler:innen nicht nur theoretische, sondern auch praktische Erfahrungen in Firmen, was oft wegweisend sein kann in Bezug auf die Fächerwahl im IB oder Studium.

Im September hatte eine Auswahl von Klasse 10 und 11 Schüler:innen nun die einmalige Gelegenheit an einem internationalen Entrepreneurship Kongress, der GEC, teilzunehmen, wo sie nicht nur lebensnah Entrepreneurship Education und Austausch miterleben, sondern auch selbst auf offener Bühne ihren eigenen Unternehmergeist vorstellen konnten.

Durch Vermittlung von Frau Alexandra Koch, einer ehemaligen GISS Schülerin und Tochter eines ehemaligen GISS Direktors, flogen wir nach Melbourne als Teil der deutschen Delegation mit Privilegien wie freier Zutritt zu allen Veranstaltungen, freier Unternehmensgründungsberatung und Austausch mit führenden Universitätsprofessoren, erfolgreichen Unternehmensgründern bis hin zu einem Gespräch und Treffen mit dem deutschen Honorar Konsul von Melbourne, Michael Pearce SC.

Das Programm für die drei Tage war überwältigend und so war auch das Interesse, das die Schüler:innen dem Angebot entgegenbrachten.
Zurück an der Schule, hoffen wir diesen Enthusiasmus weiterleben zu lassen und das Durchdringen von Entrepreneurship nicht nur in unseren Sozialwissenschaften, sondern auch in unseren Naturwissenschaften und Sprachen zu fördern.
Die Vision ist es eine kreative Entrepreneurship Atmosphäre zu schaffen mit AGs, Aktionen wie Unternehmen Deutsch und einer engeren Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Unternehmen und Organisationen.

                                                                    - Denise Parsons und Mechthild Broehl-Foster

GISS students at the
Global Entrepreneurship Congress (GEC) in Melbourne 

Click here to read two reports from the students.


Entrepreneurship is not necessarily something you are born with, but it should be nurtured early, because the next generation of young entrepreneurs can provide critical impetus for sustainable growth and transformation of any economy.

GISS is quite active in terms of entrepreneurship education. Under the guidance of Ms Parsons, students take part annually in the Goethe Institute competition Unternehmen Deutsch, and in Social Studies students gain not only theoretical but also practical experience in work placements, which can often be important in terms of the choice of subjects in the IB or university.

In September, a selection of Year10 and 11 students had the unique opportunity to participate in the International Entrepreneurship Congress, GEC, where they not only experienced real-life entrepreneurship education and exchange, but also presented their own entrepreneurial projects on an open stage.

Through the mediation of Mrs. Alexandra Koch, a former GISS student and daughter of a former GISS principal, we flew to Melbourne as part of the German delegation with privileges ranging from free access to all events, free business start-up advice and exchange with leading university professors, successful company founders to a conversation and meeting with the German Honorary Consul of Melbourne, Mr. Michael Pearce SC.

The program for the three days was overwhelming and so was the interest that the students showed in what was offered.

Back at school, we hope to keep this enthusiasm alive and promote the permeation of entrepreneurship not only in our social sciences, but also in our sciences and languages.

The vision is to create a creative entrepreneurship culture with AGs, actions such as Unternehmen Deutsch and a closer cooperation with local companies and organizations.

            Denise Parsons und Mechthild Broehl-Foster

At the Global Entrepreneurship Congress (GEC) in Melbourne, we immersed ourselves in a rich tapestry of insights and viewpoints. The event seamlessly combined formal sessions, seminars, and informal interactions. Seasoned entrepreneurs recounted their experiences, highlighting their challenges and achievements. With a diverse range of attendees from various geographies and industries, the congress presented a vivid panorama of the entrepreneurial landscape. This experience left an indelible mark on our understanding of global entrepreneurship, instilling both direction and motivation.

We were particularly captivated by the panel featuring indigenous peoples from America, Australia, and New Zealand discussing their ascent in the entrepreneurial realm. Their captivating narratives intertwined humour with invaluable insights, emphasizing the significance of intergenerational responsibility and foresight.

The congress enriched our skillset and broadened our horizons. We delved into international markets, trends, and opportunities, explored groundbreaking ventures across sectors, and grasped successful business strategies and expansion methodologies. Furthermore, we deepened our understanding of team dynamics and leadership. Among our takeaways, the most enduring skill we honed was networking, mastering the art of forging relationships with professionals, mentors, and peers. We eagerly anticipate applying this compendium of skills in our future endeavours.

One of our most daunting moments at the GEC was presenting our innovative concept to the seasoned experts from whom we had garnered so much knowledge. Despite a few nervous stumbles, we were elated with our presentation and gratified by the subsequent positive feedback. - Lina, Larissa, and Rosa

During our trip, we were provided access to many seminars and ‘meetings’ covering a vast number of topics relating to entrepreneurship. In essence, the GEC is both a networking event, as well as a place to discuss and learn about relevant global issues which entrepreneurs can play a role in preventing. For example, a seminar relating to this that I found particular interesting discussed the role of global start-up community programs in providing the less privileged with the opportunity to pursue their entrepreneurial endeavours and the creation of start – up ecosystems.  

Beside those seminars, there were others that educated the audience, providing them with tools and methods to further advance their own businesses and future endeavours. These I found the most interesting and relevant to me. For example, one of these seminars was all about start-ups, and the core – reason why they don’t attract funding. The seminar taught me about the importance of mitigating risk in order to attract more investors, something that could potentially be very useful in my future.  

During our trip, we were provided access to many seminars and ‘meetings’ covering a vast number of topics relating to entrepreneurship. In essence, the GEC is both a networking event, as well as a place to discuss and learn about relevant global issues which entrepreneurs can play a role in preventing. For example, a seminar relating to this that I found particular interesting discussed the role of global start-up community programs in providing the less privileged with the opportunity to pursue their entrepreneurial endeavours and the creation of start – up ecosystems.  

Beside those seminars, there were others that educated the audience, providing them with tools and methods to further advance their own businesses and future endeavours. These I found the most interesting and relevant to me. For example, one of these seminars was all about start-ups, and the core – reason why they don’t attract funding. The seminar taught me about the importance of mitigating risk in order to attract more investors, something that could potentially be very useful in my future.  

On the last day of our trip, all of the groups presented our products on stage. During the time we had to prepare, we were all in the good hands of Alexandra Koch, who was a big help in guiding us through this journey. I believe that all groups did great considering it was our first time. While I was personally quite nervous, in hindsight I had nothing to worry about and was am glad to have done it. Funnily enough, the biggest issue, was that some of us, including me, would accidently keep moving the microphone away from our face.

Overall, this experience was great fun and I definitely encourage the school to keep promoting entrepreneurship to students. I also recommend students to take a shot at the ‘Unternehmen Deutsch’ program, as it’s a great introduction into the world of entrepreneurship.   – Brian Berens 

My group (Me, Louis, Robin, and Richard) presenting our product ‘Translatears,’ a translation device designed for tourists and business travellers.  

Niklas, Richard, Louis, and I met entrepreneur and speaker Gary Schoeniger. We were originally introduced to him in the GEC meeting area but later attended his seminar to learn more about the work he does in promoting the entrepreneurial mindset to the younger generation.  

On the last day of our trip, all of the groups presented our products on stage. During the time we had to prepare, we were all in the good hands of Alexandra Koch, who was a big help in guiding us through this journey. I believe that all groups did great considering it was our first time. While I was personally quite nervous, in hindsight I had nothing to worry about and was am glad to have done it. Funnily enough, the biggest issue, was that some of us, including me, would accidently keep moving the microphone away from our face.

Overall, this experience was great fun and I definitely encourage the school to keep promoting entrepreneurship to students. I also recommend students to take a shot at the ‘Unternehmen Deutsch’ program, as it’s a great introduction into the world of entrepreneurship. – Brian Berens