On Friday, June 14th, all Year 10 DaF students went to UTS for a German Stage 5 day.

We began the day with information sessions by the General Consul of Germany, Felix Schwarz, the Goethe Institute, the DAAD and representatives from four different local universities. The universities presented different pathways for continuing with German after high school. After that, we went into groups, mixing students from the different schools present. Two to three GISS students then made their way with the other 18 students in their group to participate in short speaking workshops with teachers from the various schools. The workshops focused on oral communication, and some of them proved to be on the easier side for our students, but nevertheless, it was fun and a great opportunity to use German while getting to know students from other schools.

After a lunch break with pretzels from the consulate in the cool “Fantastic Hide Out” space, we went on a guided tour of the impressive UTS premises. The crime lab, cadaver room, and their science facilities really impressed us (no, we did not get to see any cadavers!).

excursion year 10 daf students