Einschulung / First day of School
Valentine's Day
Congratulations to Class of 2023
GISS takes on the Berliners
GISS Swimming Carnivals
IB Art Students visit AGNSW
Preschool recertified
Excursion to the Goethe Institut
IPSHA Swimming Carnival
Q&A Sessions with 2023 Alumni
Student Representatives at Parliament House
CAS Project: First Aid Course
Harmony Day
Excursion to Narrabeen
DSD I & DSD II Certficiates
Butterfly Foundation Workshops
Congratulations to the new SRC
Science AG
Theory of Knowledge
Senior String Ensemble
Excursion Years 11 & 12
Chemistry IAs
Wellbeing Sessions Primary School
A visit from the local Police
Music at GISS
Year 10 DaF Excursion
Athletics Carnival
Year 11 CAS Trip to Fiji
Stage 2 Students care about Climate Change
Year 11 ToK Project
Welcome Assembly
PISA Soccer & Touch Rugby
GISS Christmas Market
IPSHA Athletics Carnival
Senior Choir at the ISPSHA PAF
Book Week Parade
Celebration at the State Library
Last day for Year 12s
Typisch Deutsch!
IB Showcase Week
Year 3/4 address climate change
Mini Athletcs
Vorlesewettbewerb Yr 7
Year 11 Ceramics
Graduation Years 10 & 11
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