update from head of primary

Warm regards
Rachel Hennig / Head of Primary

As Term 4 races toward its conclusion, it’s clear this has been a term packed full of exciting activities, community events, and enriching opportunities for our students. From athletics carnivals to special assemblies and outdoor adventures, there has been something for everyone to enjoy and learn from. This edition of our newsletter highlights just some of the memorable moments and important updates shaping our vibrant school community.

K-2 Athletics Carnival
On 30th October, our youngest athletes shone brightly at the K-2 Athletics Carnival held at Terrey Hills Oval. Under a gloriously sunny sky, students enthusiastically participated in a range of events, including shot put, discus, javelin, hurdles, sprints, and even a 400m marathon! Organised by our dedicated sports teacher, Hugh Crundwell, and supported by a fantastic team of parent volunteers, the event fostered a strong sense of community and friendly competition. The day was a wonderful celebration of teamwork, physical activity, and sheer joy!

Stage 3 Camp: Building Bonds and Resilience
From 13th to 15th November, our Stage 3 students ventured to AGH Camps in Southwestern Sydney for an unforgettable three-day adventure. AGH Camps are known for providing rich outdoor education experiences designed to build resilience, teamwork, and leadership skills. Our students embraced challenges such as team-building obstacle courses, problem-solving tasks, and nature activities. These experiences not only supported their social-emotional development but also strengthened their bonds as a cohort. We are incredibly proud of the enthusiasm and determination our students displayed during this memorable camp.

Story Dog Day: Supporting Literacy with Lotti
On 15th November, we celebrated Story Dog Day to support the wonderful work of the Story Dogs Organisation. This non-profit initiative brings trained dogs into schools to assist children in developing their reading skills in a fun and relaxed environment. At a special Preschool – Year 2 assembly, our very own Story Dog, Lotti, accompanied by Frau Rosenthal, delighted students by demonstrating how she helps young readers. Principal Herr Cordes added to the excitement by reading a story aloud. Thanks to the generosity of our school community, we raised over $350 to help Story Dogs continue their incredible work nationwide. Thank you for your support!

Exciting Changes to AGs in 2025
We’re thrilled to announce the reinstatement of a second AG Day for students in Years K-4 starting in 2025. In addition to Tuesday AG sessions for all students in Years K-6, K-4 students will now enjoy a second session on Thursday afternoons. This change aligns with our commitment to fostering creativity, innovation, physical well-being, and global citizenship.
Students will have opportunities to explore activities such as textile design, painting, nature studies, music, and more, all led by our talented GISS teachers. Activities will rotate each term, ensuring fresh and exciting options throughout the year. We look forward to seeing students’ enthusiasm for these engaging opportunities!

Introducing SEL: A Focus on Well-Being
Building on the success of our Grow Your Mind lessons in 2024, we are excited to introduce dedicated Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons for all students in Years K-4. These weekly lessons will replace the current single sport lesson and combine elements of Grow Your Mind with the NSW Personal Development and Health Curriculum.
This initiative aims to equip students with the tools they need to build resilience, manage emotions, foster healthy relationships, and develop lifelong skills for well-being. The SEL program will roll out in 2025, and we look forward to sharing updates as we develop this essential aspect of our curriculum.

Year 4 Farewell
We recently celebrated a heartfelt milestone as our Year 4 students marked the end of their Primary School journey and prepared to enter the orientation year in Year 5 as Secondary students. During the farewell event, we reflected on their remarkable learning journey—from curious Kindergarten students learning to read and write to resilient and persistent Year 4 learners capable of solving complex mathematical problems and crafting creative stories in two languages.
But here’s the best part: This isn’t goodbye—it’s just “see you later.” With the exciting change of including Years 5 and 6 in our Primary School, like many other Australian schools, we are fortunate to keep these inspiring students with us. As they enter the orientation phase of Secondary School, their leadership, energy, and enthusiasm will continue to shape and uplift our school community.

Concert Band 2025
Students from Years 2 to 6 enjoyed a special assembly introducing them to the exciting world of our 2025 Concert Band program. We were treated to an inspiring performance from the 2024 Concert Band, showcasing a variety of instruments, including the saxophone, trumpet, drums, and flute, among others.
Following the performance, all students in Years 2-6 were invited to express their interest in joining next year’s Concert Band. We are thrilled to see so many enthusiastic students and supportive families keen to be part of this musical adventure. Stay tuned for more updates!

Nikolaus Visit
On December 6th, students from Kindergarten to Year 4 received a special visit from St Nikolaus himself! The children sang songs, listened to delightful stories, and were surprised with a small Santa chocolate treat. The joy and wonder on their faces made this festive tradition truly magical!

Choirs Visit Terrey Hills Nursing Home

Our Junior and Senior Choirs recently spread holiday cheer with a special visit to Terrey Hills Nursing Home, performing a selection of Christmas carols. Their heartfelt performances were warmly received, bringing joy and a festive spirit to the residents.
A huge thank you to Janine Boubbov for guiding and supporting our students in making such a meaningful contribution to our local community. We are proud of their generosity and talent!

Christmas Concert

Looking ahead, please save the date for our annual Christmas Concert, which will take place on Monday, the 16th of December, at 6:00pm. All students from Preschool to Year 6 will be performing, and we’ll have plenty of sing-along moments for the whole family to enjoy. Song sheets will be sent home so you can join in the fun. We encourage all families – parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles – to attend. It’s a wonderful way to get into the Christmas spirit, and we hope you’ll come along to share in this festive occasion!

Upcoming Events
• 16 December: Christmas Concert (Preschool – Year 6)
• 19 December: Final school day for all students
• 3 February: Students from Year 1 onwards return
• 5 February: Kindergarten students commence school (Einschulungfeier)

As the year draws to a close, I would like to wish all our families a Merry Christmas and a safe, joyful holiday season. Thank you for your continued support and partnership throughout the year. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in the new year for another exciting chapter of learning and growth!

Warm regards,
Rachel Hennig
Head of Primary School

neues von der grundschule

Term 4 neigt sich dem Ende zu und wieder haben wir es eine Zeit, vollgepackt mit aufregenden Aktivitäten, Gemeinschaftsveranstaltungen und bereichernden Möglichkeiten für unsere SchülerInnen. Vom Leichtathletik-Karneval bis hin zu verschiedenen Versammlungen und Abenteuern im Freien gab es für jeden etwas zum Genießen und Lernen. Diese Ausgabe unseres Newsletters hebt einige der unvergesslichen Momente und wichtigen Neuigkeiten hervor, die unsere lebendige Schulgemeinschaft prägen.

K-2 Athletics Carnival
Am 30. Oktober strahlten unsere jüngsten Athleten beim K-2 Athletics Carnival im Terrey Hills Oval um die Wette. Bei strahlendem Sonnenschein nahmen die SchülerInnen mit Begeisterung an einer Reihe von Wettkämpfen teil, darunter Kugelstoßen, Diskuswerfen, Speerwerfen, Hürdenlauf, Sprint und sogar ein 400-m-Marathon! Organisiert von unserem engagierten Sportlehrer Hugh Crundwell und unterstützt von einem fantastischen Team freiwilliger Eltern, förderte die Veranstaltung ein starkes Gemeinschaftsgefühl und einen freundschaftlichen Wettbewerb. Der Tag war ein wunderbares Fest der Teamarbeit, dem Aktivseins und der puren Freude!

Klassenfahrt Stufe 3: Bindung und Resilienz aufbauen
Vom 13. bis 15. November erlebten unsere SchülerInnen der Stufe 3 in den AGH Camps im Südwesten Sydneys ein unvergessliches dreitägiges Abenteuer. AGH Camps sind dafür bekannt, dass sie reichhaltige Outdoor-Erfahrungen bieten, die die Widerstandsfähigkeit, Teamarbeit und Führungsqualitäten stärken. Unsere SchülerInnen unternahmen Herausforderungen wie teambildende Hindernisläufe, Problemlösungsaufgaben und Aktivitäten in der Natur. Diese Erfahrungen förderten nicht nur ihre sozial-emotionale Entwicklung, sondern stärkten auch ihren Zusammenhalt als Gruppe. Wir sind unglaublich stolz auf den Enthusiasmus und die Entschlossenheit, die unsere SchülerInnen während dieses unvergesslichen Camps an den Tag legten.

Story Dog Day: Förderung der Lesekompetenz mit Lotti
Am 15. November feierten wir den Story Dog Day, um die wunderbare Arbeit der Organisation Story Dogs zu unterstützen. Diese gemeinnützige Initiative bringt ausgebildete Hunde in die Schulen, um die Kinder in einer lustigen und entspannten Umgebung bei der Entwicklung ihrer Lesefähigkeiten zu unterstützen. In einer Versammlung für die Vorschule und die Jahrgangsstufe 2 erfreute unser eigener Geschichtenhund Lotti in Begleitung von Frau Rosenthal die SchülerInnen, indem er zeigte, wie er jungen LeserInnen hilft. Schulleiter Herr Cordes trug mit einer vorgelesenen Geschichte zur Aufregung bei. Dank der Großzügigkeit unserer Schulgemeinschaft konnten wir über $350 sammeln, um Story Dogs bei der Fortsetzung ihrer unglaublichen Arbeit im ganzen Land zu unterstützen. Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!

Aufregende Änderungen für AGs im Jahr 2025
Wir freuen uns, die Wiedereinführung eines zweiten AG-Tages für SchülerInnen der Klassen K-4 ab 2025 ankündigen zu können. Zusätzlich zu den AG-Terminen am Dienstag für alle SchülerInnen der Klassen K-6 werden die jenigen der Klassen K-4 nun eine zweite AG am Donnerstagnachmittag haben. Diese Änderung steht im Einklang mit unserem Engagement für die Förderung von Kreativität, Innovation, körperlichem Wohlbefinden und Weltbürgertum.
Die SchülerInnen haben die Möglichkeit, Aktivitäten wie Textildesign, Malen, Naturkunde, Musik und vieles mehr zu erkunden, die alle von unseren talentierten GISS-Lehrkräften geleitet werden. Die Aktivitäten werden in jedem Schuljahr wechseln, so dass das ganze Jahr über neue und aufregende Möglichkeiten angeboten werden. Wir freuen uns jetzt schon, den Enthusiasmus der SchülerInnen für diese spannenden Möglichkeiten zu sehen!

Einführung von SEL: Schwerpunkt Wohlbefinden
Aufbauend auf dem Erfolg unserer „Grow Your Mind“-Stunden im Jahr 2024 freuen wir uns, für alle SchülerInnen der Klassen K-4 spezielle Stunden für soziales und emotionales Lernen (SEL) einzuführen. Diese wöchentlichen Stunden werden die derzeitige Sportstunde ersetzen und Elemente von Grow Your Mind mit dem NSW-Lehrplan für persönliche Entwicklung und Gesundheit kombinieren.
Diese Initiative hat zum Ziel, SchülerInnen mit den nötigen Werkzeugen auszustatten, um Resilienz aufzubauen, Emotionen zu managen, gesunde Beziehungen zu fördern und lebenslange Fähigkeiten für das Wohlbefinden zu entwickeln. Das SEL-Programm wird 2025 eingeführt, und wir werden Sie während wir diesen wesentlichen Bestandteil unsere Lehrplans weiterentwickeln, auf dem Laufenden halten.

Verabschiedung der Klasse 4
Kürzlich feierten wir einen wichtigen Meilenstein, als unsere SchülerInnen der 4. Klasse  das Ende ihrer Grundschulzeit feierten und sich darauf vorbereiteten, als SekundarschülerInnen das Orientierungsjahr in der Jahrgangsstufe 5 zu beginnen. Während der Abschiedsfeier haben wir ihre bemerkenswerte Lernreise Revue passieren lassen - von neugierigen Kindergartenkindern, die lesen und schreiben lernen, bis hin zu belastbaren und ausdauernden SchülerInnen der Klasse 4, die in der Lage sind, komplexe mathematische Probleme zu lösen und kreative Geschichten in zwei Sprachen zu verfassen.
Aber jetzt kommt das Beste: Das ist gar kein Abschied - es ist nur ein „Bis später“. Mit der aufregenden Veränderung, dass die Klassen 5 und 6 in unsere Grundschule integriert werden, haben wir, wie viele andere australische Schulen, werden diese SchülerInnen bei uns bleiben. Während sie in die Orientierungsphase der Secondary School eintreten, werden ihre Führungsqualitäten, ihre Energie und ihr Enthusiasmus unsere Schulgemeinschaft weiterhin prägen und beflügeln.

Concert Band 2025
Die SchülerInnen der Klassen 2 bis 6 kamen in den Genuss einer besonderen Veranstaltung, bei der sie in die aufregende Welt unseres 2025 Concert Band Programms eingeführt wurden. Die Concert Band 2024 erfreute uns mit einer Vielzahl von Instrumenten, darunter Saxophon, Trompete, Schlagzeug und Querflöte.
Im Anschluss an den Auftritt wurden alle SchülerInnen der Klassen 2 bis 6 aufgefordert  ihr Interesse, der Concert Band im nächsten Jahr beizutreten, zu bekunden. Wir freuen uns, dass so viele begeisterte SchülerInnen und Familien an diesem musikalischen Abenteuer teilhaben wollen. Bleiben Sie dran für weitere Updates!

Besuch vom Nikolaus
Am 6. Dezember bekamen die Kinder vom Kindergarten bis zur 4. Klasse einen besonderen Besuch vom Nikolaus persönlich! Die Kinder sangen Lieder, hörten schöne Geschichten und wurden mit einer kleinen Nikolaus-Schokolade überrascht. Die Freude und das Staunen in den Gesichtern der Kinder machten diese weihnachtliche Tradition zu einem wahrhaft magischen Ereignis!

Chöre besuchen Terrey Hills Pflegeheim
Unsere Junior- und Seniorchöre verbreiteten kürzlich Weihnachtsstimmung mit einem Besuch im Terrey Hills Nursing Home, wo sie eine Auswahl von Weihnachtsliedern vortrugen. Ihre herzlichen Darbietungen wurden von den Bewohnern begeistert aufgenommen und brachten ihnen Freude und festliche Stimmung.
Ein riesiges Dankeschön an Janine Boubbov für ihre Anleitung und Unterstützung unserer SchülerInnen, für den bedeutenden Beitrag zu unserer lokalen Gemeinschaft.


Bitte merken Sie sich den Termin für unser jährliches Weihnachtskonzert vor, das am Montag, dem 16. Dezember, um 18:00 Uhr stattfindet. Alle SchülerInnen von der Preschool bis zur 6. Klasse werden auftreten, und es werden einige Gelegenheiten geben, wo die Familien mitsingen können. Die Liedblätter werden dafür nach Hause geschickt. Wir ermutigen alle Familien - Eltern, Großeltern, Tanten und Onkel - teilzunehmen. Es ist eine wunderbare Art, sich auf Weihnachten einzustimmen.

Kommende Veranstaltungen
- 16. Dezember: Weihnachtskonzert (Preschool - Klasse 6)
- 19. Dezember: Letzter Schultag für alle SchülerInnen
- 3. Februar: Rückkehr der SchülerInnen ab Klasse 1
- 5. Februar: Erster Tag für Kindergarten (Einschulungsfeier)

Und num zum Ende des Jahres möchte ich allen unseren Familien  eine  schöne Weihnachtszeit wünschen. Herzlichen Dank für Ihre fortwährende Unterstützung und Partnerschaft im Laufe des Jahres. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie alle im neuen Jahr zu einem weiteren spannenden Kapitel des Lernens und Wachstums willkommen zu heißen!

Herzliche Grüsse
Rachel Hennig
Head of Primary School

years 3/4 camp

After a long wait, we finally set off on our class camp. Years 3, 3/4 and 4 went to the AGH Camp in Douglas Park together with their teachers. We were all very excited and a little bit nervous to spend 3 days without our parents. When we arrived at the camp, we were welcomed by the camp leaders and had time to set up our rooms and make our beds. Then the program started.

There were two activities every morning and every afternoon. On the first day we went canoeing. We did a short hike down to the shore and then paddled along the beautiful river. It was so much fun. We also went to the high ropes course and overcame our fear of heights. It rained heavily in the evening, so we had to postpone our campfire.

The first night, everyone was very excited and no one could sleep. The next day, we learned how to shoot a bow and arrow and how to make damper. We then ate our homemade damper with maple syrup. It was super tasty! We also played various games on the sports field and in the pool. Later, our teachers played build-ups with us. In the evening we were able to catch up on our campfire and roast marshmallows. On the second night, everyone was pretty tired and went to bed early. On the last day, we were finally allowed to go on the canyon swing. This was a highlight for almost all the children. It was so much fun, even if could feel the gravity in your body and it was a bit scary. Afterwards, we took the bus back to GISS.

Everyone was sad that the school trip was over, but also happy to see their parents and siblings again. We are already looking forward to next year!

Nach langem Warten ging es endlich los auf unsere Klassenfahrt. Die Klassen 3, 3/4 und 4 fuhren zusammen mit ihren Lehrerinnen und Lehrern ins AGH Camp in Douglas Park.Wir waren alle sehr aufgeregt,3 Tage lang ohne unsere Eltern zu verbringen.

 Im Camp angekommen wurden wir von den Camp-Leiterinnen begrüßt und hatten Zeit, unsere Zimmer einzurichten und die Betten zu machen. Dann ging es los. Jeden Vor- und Nachmittag gab es zwei Aktivitäten.

Am ersten Tag waren wir Kanu fahren. Wir machten eine kleine Wanderung runter zum Ufer und paddelten dann den schönen Fluss entlang. Es hat so viel Spaß gemacht. Wir waren außerdem an den Hochseilen  und konnten dort unsere Höhenangst überwinden. Abends regnete es stark, also mussten wir unser Lagerfeuer verschieben. In der ersten Nacht waren alle sehr aufgeregt und niemand konnte schlafen.

Am nächsten Tag lernten wir, wie man mit Pfeil und Bogen schießt und wie man Stockbrot macht. Unser selbstgebackenes Stockbrot durften wir dann mit Ahornsirup essen. Das war super lecker! Außerdem haben wir auf dem Sportfeld und im Pool verschiedene Spiele gemacht. Später spielten unsere Lehrerinnen und Lehrern mit uns fangen. Abends konnten wir dann unser Lagerfeuer nachholen und Marshmallows rösten. In der zweiten Nacht waren alle ziemlich müde und gingen freiwillig früh ins Bett.

Am letzten Tag durften wir dann endlich auf die Schluchtschaukel. Das war für fast alle Kinder ein Highlight. Es machte so viel Spaß, auch wenn man die Schwerkraft im Körper spürte und es etwas unheimlich war. Anschließend fuhren wir mit dem Bus zurück zur GISS. Alle waren traurig, dass die Klassenfahrt vorbei war, aber auch froh ihre Eltern und Geschwister wiederzusehen. Wir freuen uns jetzt schon auf nächstes Jahr! 

klassen 3/4 klassenfahrt


At the end of October, our little athletes from Kindergarten to Year 2 headed to Terrey Hills Oval for our annual Mini Athletics Carnival, and the excitement was off the charts! From shot-put and discus to javelin, sprints, hurdles, and the 400-metre run, they showed true friendship, passion, and sportsmanship in every event.

A huge thank you to our Sports Coordinator, Hugh Crundwell, the Stage 1 Primary School Team, and all our wonderful parent helpers who made the day such a success. 

Ende Oktober machten sich unsere kleinen Athleten vom Kindergarten bis zur 2. Klasse auf den Weg zum Terrey Hills Oval, um an unserem jährlichen Mini-Leichtathletik-Karneval teilzunehmen, und die Begeisterung war riesengroß! Vom Kugelstoßen und Diskuswerfen bis hin zum Speerwurf, Sprint, Hürdenlauf und 400-Meter-Lauf zeigten sie bei jeder Disziplin wahre Freundschaft, Leidenschaft und Sportsgeist.

Ein großes Dankeschön an unseren Sportkoordinator Hugh Crundwell, das Team der Stage 1 der Grundschule und all unsere wunderbaren  Helfer, die diesen Tag zu einem solchen Erfolg gemacht haben.

In another friendly competition in PISA Sports against John Colet School, our Year 5 and 6 boys' and girls' basketball teams delivered outstanding performances. The boys secured a 5:0 victory, while the girls triumphed with a close score of 12:10

The atmosphere was electric, with the entire secondary school cheering on the teams and showing incredible school spirit.  A big thank you to the talented John Colet teams for delivering such fantastic games full of skill and sportsmanship. Special recognition also goes to our GISS Sports Coordinator, Hugh Crundwell, along with our student coaches, Mungo and Daniel, for their dedication to both our teams.

giss students win at basket ball againsT john colet!

We recently celebrated National Reading Day with a fantastic fundraiser for Story Dogs, raising $350 thanks to the generosity of our amazing students, parents and alumni!

Our younger students enjoyed a special assembly where Principal Michael Cordes read a story to our beloved Lotti, creating a truly memorable moment. A huge thank you as well to Lotti’s owner, Frau Rosenthal, and our Head of Primary, Frau Hennig, for organising this wonderful assembly and bringing the joy of reading to life for our students!

Your support means the world and will help Story Dogs continue their incredible work, creating a safe and supportive space for children who need literacy assistance.

national reading day

year 1: powerful persuaders in action!

What does it mean to persuade? In Year 1, students have been exploring this big idea as part of their English studies. To persuade means to convince someone to see things from our point of view. But being persuasive takes some clever tricks—especially in writing!

Our Year 1 students have been learning how to use high modality and emotive language to create compelling arguments that engage and convince their readers. High modality language involves selecting strong, powerful words that convey certainty and confidence, while emotive language helps evoke feelings to sway the audience.

As part of their learning, the students have created a selection of persuasive texts, and their progress is truly impressive! You can see their developing skills in how they structure their arguments and choose their words. Here are just a few examples of their fantastic work—be prepared to be persuaded! - Rachel Hennig

Firstly, I strongly believe that summer is the best season because you can go fishing and you can find lots of colourful fish.

Secondly, I am sure summer is the best season because you can go to the amazing water park and you can go down the super water slide.

Thirdly it is clear that summer is the best season because you can go to the super fun beach, and you can swim in the fresh sparkling water.

Finally, I am sure summer is the best season because you can have long school holidays so you can do lots of things.


Dogs are the best pets!

Firstly, it is obvious that dogs keep you really healthy because you walk them every day.

Secondly, I am positively certain are super fun pets because you can teach them super cool tricks like roll over and shake hands.

Thirdly I am sure dogs are soft and cuddly so you can cuddle them. You can cuddle them in bed.

Finally, I strongly believe that dogs are extremely smart animals because if you lost your bag the dogs can find it.


Cats are better than dogs!

Firstly, cat food is cheaper than dog food so that means that you don't waste money.

Secondly cats keep pests away because they like to eat mice.

Thirdly cats keep themselves clean, so you don't need to clean them every day.

Additionally, cats can be left at home so that means that you can also go to a birthday party without worrying about your cat.

Lastly cats can come into your bed and cuddle with you.


Summer is the best season!

Firstly, it is clear that summer is the best season because you can have choc-chip ice cream especially on a really hot day.

Secondly, I am sure that summer is the best because you can go fishing and catch a huge cod.

Thirdly I am sure that summer is the best season because you can go to the beach and swim into the cool water.

Finally, I definitely know that summer is the best season because you have the summer holidays and you can go somewhere with your family like Luna Park.


Dogs are the best pets!

Firstly, I am sure dogs keep you motivated because you can take them on a walk every morning.

Secondly it is clear that dogs are really fun pets because you can teach them really cool tricks like jumping.

Thirdly I firmly believe that dogs are soft and cuddly so you can cuddle with them in bed.

Finally, you must believe me that dogs are very smart animals because if you throw a ball they go and get it and then they bring it back to you.


Summer is the best season!

Firstly, I am positively certain that summer is the best season because you can go swimming with your family and the water is not so cold.

Secondly it is obvious that summer is the season because the days are longer so you can do more activities with your family and maybe you can eat yummy ice cream.

Thirdly I firmly believe that summer is the best season because you can go to the best and coolest water park ever and splash your sister or brother full with water and have a lot of fun.

Additionally, I definitely know that summer is the best season because you can go fishing and look at all the different fish in the sea.

Finally, it is clear that summer is the best season because you can relax in the sun and drink lemonade at the beach.


The air was filled with excitement on the morning of 6 December when our Preschool and Primary Students heard the ringing of a bell. To their delight, Sankt Nikolaus appeared, dressed in a traditional bishop’s mitre and golden cloak. 

st nikolaus visits giss

The Preschool children sang “Oh Tannenbaum” in German, English, and Spanish, before receiving their mandarins.
This wonderful visit not only brought joy to our students but also helped the children connect with the origins of this beloved tradition. What a meaningful start to the festive season.

Nikolaus shared the story of St. Nikolaus comes from St. Nicholas of Myra, a kind and generous bishop who lived in the 4th century in what is now Turkiye. Known for his selfless acts of charity, he became a symbol of giving to those in need, particularly children.

He explained how St Nikolaus once helped a poor family by secretly leaving gold for them. Mandarins, with their golden colour, symbolise this generosity and are traditionally given out on St. Nikolaus Day to remind us of his kindness. 

christmas carols at terrey hills nursing home

This year, our Choirs once again visited Terrey Hills Nursing Home this year to sing carols and spread some Christmas cheer and community spirit. There were many beaming faces among the delighted residents.


The school concert band is now taking enrolments for 2025 and is open to all students currently in Years 2 and upwards.
No prior experience needed!

What do you need to do?
Complete an online
Expression of Interest form.

Your child will then meet with a music teacher at school to determine to which instrument they may be best suited. https://www.teachingservices.com.au/EOI

More detailed information will then be sent home, prior to online enrolment for 2025.
 If your child is an existing band student with TSA, no need to re-enrol.

We very much look forward to welcoming the new children to Kindergarten next year.

We would like invite you to our Schultüten Workshop, where you can craft a traditional German school cone for your child. The Schultüte will be presented to your child on their first day of school, adding a delightful touch to this memorable day.

When: Friday 31st of January 2025 at 11am
Where: Meet at reception
Costs: $15 per school cone, to be booked via

Please note that the cones and some craft supplies will be provided by GISS along with light refreshments. We also have coloured tissue paper too (for the top of the cone). If you would like to personalise your school cone, please bring your own decorations / print outs that can be bought e.g. at Spotlight in Belrose, Riot Art & Craft, Lincraft in Belrose, any other art & craft shop.

If you cannot attend, you are more than welcome to buy a cone any time before the first day of school ceremony on the 3rd of February. You can find more information about the German tradition of Schultüten here.

create a schultüte for your child