I play piano in the GISS Rock Band. I have been playing piano for 11 years and have been learning trombone for 7 years. Before joining GISS I had taken part in several brass and jazz ensembles and played in a circus. I have been in the band for 3½ years, however COVID meant we couldn't play for more than a year. I joined because it allows me to express myself and because I enjoy making music with others which an audience appreciates. I enjoy the range of songs we play from jazz to pop and how we can choose the songs we learn and then perform. The way Frau Froidevaux guides and helps us and yet has us learn how to begin playing on our own and the responsibility we carry towards the other members in our small group taught me a great deal about being accountable and the importance of staying flexible and attentive. My favourite thing about the band is every band member having a say and almost always having a song where they play the main part. The audience’s ecstatic reaction to our performances is also very uplifting and motivates us to continue playing.
Filipe, Year 11

I joined the GISS Rock Band this year. I play the electric guitar and being in the band gives me the chance to show off my skills, which is awesome. The best part so far was when we got to perform at the Christmas Market. Seriously, more people should join because it's such a cool experience and I always look forward to our Wednesday afternoon practices.
Neo, Year 8

We are the 

We are the GISS ROCK BAND!